R1 – DigiFinEdu: Methodological Material

The methodical material (Result1 of the project) covers various aspects of financial literacy (FinLit) for children within the context of the DIGIFINEDU. Before developing this result partnership made field and desk research also questionning teachers and other school personnel about the good practises in FinLit. Material starts with the discussion, emphasizing the importance of financial literacy and introducing the subsequent content and lateron covers the topics such as Regional Challenges and Opportunities of FinLit, FInLit for Children, Definitions and Metrics of FinLit for Children, Measurement of FinLit. It tackles important issue of school community involvement into action: Role of Parents and Educators, Gamification and Digital Storytelling for Practicing FinLit including good Practices in partners countries. The material aims to benefit not only partners institutions and schools, but also researchers, and educators interested in promoting financial literacy among children.


1. National Reports on teachers and parents’ perception of FinLit (field research)

2. National and Transnational Analyses reports (desk research)

3. Methodological Material (e-book)

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